Thursday, August 9, 2012

And they're off!

Ten years and he lived to tell the tale! Marshall has officially finished school/residency and is ready for a break. So we packed up the Tahoe and are heading out of town tomorrow morning. We've already changed the itinerary and are planning to stop in Pensacola for the night. We'll take the scenic route and drive through Florida beach towns on the way. Apparently, there is a mecca of kitsch I need to see on the way: Alvin's. Should be a hoot.


  1. Safe travels friends. I can't wait to read all about your adventures.

  2. I had a great time at NASA. Should be some fun pictures to send to you. "Happy trails" and safe trip.

  3. Travel mercies your way! Come visit us. Or maybe I should visit you. Jane

  4. Enjoy!!! Take lots of pictures. Keep on blogging.

