Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Great American Road Trip

This blog has been a bit quiet lately but we’re expecting to give it a workout over the next few months. As you probably know, Marshall and I are about to embark on our next adventure: moving to Bethel, Alaska! It has been a crazy few months preparing for the move, but we are finally about to get underway. Our furniture is already on the way (and will travel via truck, barge and plane). Our beloved cat Tibby has settled into his temporary home; he would be miserable in the car so I’ll retrieve him once we have a place to live. And we have a P.O. Box in Bethel, so all of our books are in the mail. Marshall joked that we’re mailing ourselves bit by bit to Alaska.

Marshall was able to set his start date for work and we decided to take advantage of the flexibility; we plan to take almost a month to drive across the country before settling into our new community. It has been a dream of ours to do this and we are ecstatic about seeing so much of the country on our way north. We should leave sometime in the next few days and our itinerary is as follows:

Day 1: Leave Orlando and stay somewhere in Florida
Day 2: New Orleans
Day 3: New Orleans
Day 4: Lafayette, LA
Day 5: Lafayette, LA
Day 6: Lafayette, LA
Day 7: Little Rock, AR
Day 8: Lawrence, KS
Day 9: Rocky Mountain National Park
Day 10: Rocky Mountain National Park
Day 11: Salt Lake City
Day 12: Somewhere in Nevada
Day 13: Lake Tahoe
Day 14: Lake Tahoe
Day 15: Yosemite National Park
Day 16: Yosemite National Park
Day 17: Sequoia National Park
Day 18: San Francisco
Day 19: San Francisco
Day 20: Somewhere along Pacific Coast Highway/border of Oregon
Day 21: Portland, OR
Day 22: Portland, OR
Day 23: Somewhere in Washington
Day 24: Seattle
Day 25: Seattle
Day 26: Seattle
Day 27: Fly to Bethel, AK

We’ve mapped the trip in our trusty road atlas, but left open the possibility to change our mind on stops or routes; we also built in wiggle room for car trouble or needed relaxation. Depending on internet service along the way, we might only post a picture or quick comment on the day, but I hope to blog at least every other day. This will be a diary of our trip and life in Alaska. There might be random book reviews and hospital stories thrown in as well. Who knows what we will end up writing about once we make our home on the tundra, but it’s guaranteed to be quite a change from our current life in Florida. Thanks for reading!

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