Wednesday, August 15, 2012

We are family

I haven’t blogged about the past few days but, as expected, we’ve changed our trip plan again. We decided to cut our New Orleans stop short and head to Lafayette a day earlier. We felt ready to get moving and this will give us an extra day later in the trip. But first we had to hit up Camellia Grill again. Francois joined us this time. A family sitting next to us consisted of two teenage boys and their exasperated mom. At one point, she argued with them about ordering a burger for breakfast (it was almost 11 am). What does Francois do? Orders two burgers for breakfast. Typical Francois (hilarious, cheeky and awesome). My omelet was fantastic as usual and Marshall was bale to get one last chocolate freeze before leaving town.

This is a view of the Mississippi River on our way out of New Orleans. I somehow managed to luck out with the shot and didn't get any beams in the way. In a moving truck.

We spent a very long day visiting family and close family friends in Raceland and Houma. It was great to see so many of Marshall’s extended family and spend lots of time with them. The rest of the time in Lafayette was filled with visiting more family and friends, and eating a ridiculous amount of seafood. I may have eaten half my weight in corn and crab bisque. We managed to avoid fried food for most of this stop, but our bellies will still be happy when we leave Louisiana. I foresee some salads and veggie plates in the next few days! (Though I predict immediate seafood withdrawal when we leave; we do love the cuisine here. I just wish it had been crawfish season.)

with Marshall's parents and Aunt Mimi
friends James and Paula, at Prejeans
I had tilapia topped with crab and shrimp au gratin here. Fabulous!
Yet, we still managed to find some room for Borden’s ice cream. Yum! No picture of the ice cream itself; I ate it too fast. And I keep forgetting to take pictures of our meals. Marshall keeps snapping shots of me eating but there is no way any those are going on the blog!


  1. It was great seeing you guys. Come paddling in the swamp with us next time! I know Marshall loves it...

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