Friday, August 31, 2012

The Gateway to the Giants

Just a current update, we are currently in Benbow, CA. Stayed last night at the Benbow Inn which is on the national register of historic places. We will be leaving today and driving through the redwood groves along the "Avenue of the Giants". We should make it to Oregon today although I don't think we will make it all the way to Portland. We attempted to drive the Pacific Coast Highway or California Highway 1 yesterday. One of the dealers in Lake Tahoe told us most people don't stay on it for very long and at the time I didn't know why. It had enough twists and turns and dips and rises that we were both becoming slightly dizzy. Also, there was fog that was keeping us from any useful views of the coast so we bailed on the coast road and headed inland to take Hwy. 101 north toward the redwood forests. We loved San Francisco, I'm sure Susan will get to a blog post about all of that. We rented a little 3 wheeled motorized vehicle called a Go-Car for a tour of the city which was quite fun.

I'm having a blast taking pictures with my new camera. Still learning all the settings and how to try and get the most out of it. I took a class years ago about photography but I've forgotten most of it. Maybe I can find one of the ____ for Dummies books to help me out.

Only 10 days left until it's back to the real world and I start my new job in Bethel. I'm hoping I still remember some medicine after all these days off. Also looming  in the distance for me are my board exams to think about. Many changes coming up for both Susan and I.


  1. Marshall and Susan,
    It has been wonderful to read about your adventures! You have been in my prayers as you journey across this great laand of ours.
    All my love, Regina

  2. Do you still have the 60D?

  3. OMG, my mom and I keep seeing those Go-Cars and they cracked us up. I can't wait to read about that.
